Candle Care

Guide to Candle Care:

Although our candles bring about a whiff of magic into your home, they can be hazardous when not monitored properly. We want to ensure that our candles keep burning happily and safely, so please read the guidelines and warnings we've outlined below for you.

Before Burning:

  • Trim the wick to about 5mm each time before you light it. This is to prevent uneven burning, dripping, or flaring.
  • Keep the candle and wax pool free of any foreign debris, such as wick trimmings or dust.
  • Only light the candle on a level, fire resistant surface. This will also help to prevent possible heat damage.
  • To prevent potential, heal damage or cracking, stop lighting the candle when only 1cm of wax remains. When the majority of the wax has been consumed, the flame will end up heating the bottom of the jar.

 While Burning:

  • Keep the candle away from windy areas, such as fans, or a window while burning. This will help to prevent soot and smoke, rapid or uneven burning, and excessive dripping.
  • Burn the candle for a maximum of 3 to 4 hours, depending on the candle size. This will ensure that the candle does not overheat.
  • Burn only within sight. Never leave a burning candle unattended or lit while sleeping. Make sure to extinguish all candles before leaving a room or going to bed.
  • Never move or touch a burning candle, especially when the wax is liquefied.
  • Do not allow flame to touch glass.  
  • Allow the wax to fully melt to the edge of the candle for a longer lasting candle, and to prevent tunnelling.
  • Extinguish a candle safely if the flame becomes too high or flickers repeatedly. Check for wind, debris, and trim the wick. Let the candle completely cool before re-lighting.
  • Never burn the candle near flammable items. Keep burning candles away from household items such as curtains, beddings, carpets, books, or other flammable objects.
  • Keep the candle out of reach of children and pets. Do not place the candle in areas where they can be knocked over by children, pets, or anyone else.

When extinguishing:

  • Do not extinguish the candle with water, as this can cause hot wax to splatter and break the container.
  • Blowing out the candle can cause hot wax to spray out.
  • If possible, use a candle snuffer to extinguish a candle, as it’s the safest way to prevent hot wax from splattering.
  • Before leaving the room or going to sleep, make sure that your candle is completely extinguished and there are no embers.
  • Do not touch or move the candle until it has completely cooled.